Find any ad you feel is missing something. Are the words not packing a punch? Does the headline fizzle? Is the call to action weak? Not motivated to buy the product after you finish the ad? Choose an ad that is missing the key elements all copywriting projects need.

You're going to use this original ad to create your own version. This is called a SPEC AD.

In the advertising industry, a SPEC AD (for speculative ad) is an ad you created on your own. You didn't work with the ad agency or client to create the ad. You are simply using a SPEC AD to show your own take on how you would write the ad.

SPEC ADS are very common for budding copywriters who have little to no experience under their belt. They are a great way for you to display your copywriting talent to a potential client or employer. Most copywriters who use SPEC ADS in their portfolio have limited or no copywriting samples to show in the interview process.

For our example, we've selected a print ad in a magazine.
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