Many people don’t stop to consider that most waters available to us in the West are dead and acidic.  Municipal water travels through pipes and various systems that manipulate the electrical properties and chemically taint the water with up to 90 legally allowable chemicals and contains chlorine and chlorine by-products which have been linked to bladder, breast, and other cancers.  Municipal water generally has no energy value (ORP), little oxygen and is not easily absorbed.
The bottled water that has been enjoying such popularity for the last couple of decades is also dead and is usually quite acidic, which adds to the problem of acidic toxin buildup.  Over 40% of bottled water is from purified, filtered municipal water and some bottled waters are more contaminated than municipal water.  Plastic bottles can also leach dioxin, a known carcinogen, and other chemicals into the fluid contents.
Why is this important to you?  Most people have acidic bodies due to accumulated acidic waste from food, drinks, lack of rest, stress, and pollution that is not completely disposed of by their systems.
Consider that when people are born, their bodies are predominantly alkaline. During the normal process of growth, through eating habits, and everyday activities, the human body acquires and stores excess acid waste that may build up to alarming levels and begin to destroy body tissues and organs. These acid wastes deplete their bodies of much needed oxygen and create an environment conducive to the growth of discomfort and disease.
When cells dehydrate, they put into motion the catabolic phase which includes muscle wasting, cell hypoxia (oxygen starvation), DNA damage, and accelerated aging.  As a result, the cell becomes more sensitive to free radicals and more susceptible to viruses and autoimmune diseases. Virtually all symptoms of aging can be traced to cellular dehydration accompanied by free radical damage.
Although it isn’t ideal, our bodies do have a way of dealing with all this acid: neutralization. The body plays a clever trick and leaches (removes) calcium and magnesium (alkaline minerals) from our bones and organs to help offset the over-acidification.  Another clever trick our bodies use is to store the acid that can’t be eliminated or neutralized as solid waste, also known as fat.  This is another defense mechanism our bodies use to actually save our lives in the absence of a healthier way to deal with acidic toxin buildup.
As acidic toxins build up in our bodies, the result is often inflammation in one form or another such as joint stiffness and pain, swelling, gout, acid reflux, fatigue, ‘brain fog’, low-energy, constipation, weight gain, etc.
Alkaline ionized water, with its strong antioxidant and super absorption properties due to its much smaller molecular structure, helps extinguish the fires of acidity and inflammation and aids in restoring cellular membranes to their former flexible and permeable state. This allows your cells to once again become more easily hydrated, nourished, oxygenated and healthy. As cells become healthier and less congested, they once again take up the insulin and sugar more efficiently and sugar levels remain lower and more stable in the bloodstream.  Oxygen is also more efficiently distributed throughout your body.
Improved cellular hydration also results in a reduction of cell acidy, enhanced immunity, increased fat burning, DNA repair, and increased resistance to viruses. The proper use of antioxidant alkaline water is the single most important thing that one can do for his or her health.
Drink alkaline ionized water for 7-10 days and see the results for yourself. Call Tina Smith at 951-505-0502 for a free two-week supply.
Posted by: Admin